Due to their nature light bulbs are not included in the guarantee about proper functioning, so you can not return them if they do not work. Exceptions are those products which are specially marked as products with a guarantee.
If the package is visibly deformed or if there are any sounds of broken glass from the inside, you should demand a commission check with the courier. You should also demand that a damage report about the damage is written! Damage report must be signed by courier!
Requirements for reclamations:
We will try to solve every reclamation, so that the customer will be satisfied.
By the EU law of the safety of customers you can return your product without giving any reason in 14 days from receiving the product.
The time limit begins after receipt of this instruction in text form, however not before receipt of the goods by the recipient (in case of recurring deliveries of similar goods not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and not before fulfilling our information obligations.
Requirements for returns:
In case of cancellation both parties return payments and potential benefits (e.g. interest). If payments or benefits (e.g. usage compensation) cannot be returned in full, but only partially or in a worse condition, you are liable for monetary compensation. You are not liable for compensation only in the following situation: if the condition and operating depreciation stem from feature and operation review. “Feature and operation review” covers tests and examinations of the product, as is possible and usually occurs in a shop. Transportable products should be returned to us at our liability. Product return fees are covered by you. Products that cannot be transported will be transported by us. Payment reimbursements must be covered within 30 days. This time period starts for you when you cancel the order or return the product, and for us when we receive the order cancellation or the product.
If this contract is financed with a loan and subsequently cancelled, you are no longer bound by the loan agreement, if both contracts form a single economic unit.
This is especially applicable when we are also your lenders, or if your lender cooperates with us in regards of financing.
If the loan was already transferred at the time of cancellation or product return, the lender subrogates all our rights and obligations in terms of contract financing regarding the legal consequences of cancellation or product return. This does not apply in the event, when the subject matter of the contract represents the sale of financial instruments (e.g. securities, foreign currencies or derivatives). To avoid such contractual obligations, exercise your cancellation rights and also cancel the loan agreement, if you are entitled to such a cancellation.
Domžale, 10 Jan 2020
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