Cost-saving illumination for industry and commerce - Presentatio

Posted on: 06 Feb 2009 | Author: | Categories: Illuminating Insights

Lighting installations in industry may amount up to 20 % of their expenses for electrical power, and even up to 30 % in tertiary sectors. However, by using a combination of modern light bulbs and illumination systems as well as demand-oriented control technologies the electrical power and thus expenses for illumination can be reduced up to 50 %.

Cost-saving illumination for industry and commerce - Presentatio

Lighting installations in industry may amount up to 20 % of their expenses for electrical power, and even up to 30 % in tertiary sectors. However, by using a combination of modern light bulbs and illumination systems as well as demand-oriented control technologies the electrical power and thus expenses for illumination can be reduced up to 50 %.On February 4, 2009, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Düsseldorf, will suggest opportunities for optimized illuminations revealing technical approaches for modernization.
This event will be realized in cooperation with EnergieAgentur.NRW and Berliner Energieagentur.Dirk Pophanken, General Manager of VS Optoelectronic, will take up the subject of energy-efficient illumination of Vossloh-Schwabe and thus point up how the company is considerably preserving the environment and at the same time reducing expenses. In the course of the event in Düsseldorf VS Optoelectronic will be officially appointed as a GreenLight Partner.

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