55405 | Proizvajalec: Narva | EAN: 4013790527059 | MPN: 55405
Specialna nadomestna žarnica 55405 HLWS5 150W 24V PY24 1.25: Halogenske žarnice za mikroskopijo, analizo, projekcijo in planetarije. Z močjo 150 W in napetostjo 24 V te žarnice zagotavljajo svetlo svetlobo 5000 lm. Imajo dolgo življenjsko dobo do 50 ur in visoko natančnost pri postavitvi žarilne nitke. Barvna temperatura doseže 3300 K, zato so idealne za različne aplikacije, kot so mikroskopija, analiza, projekcija in planetariji. Izdelane so iz kremenčevega stekla, ki ne zmanjšuje lastnosti UV-žarkov.
Wattage 150 W
Voltage 24 V
Luminous flux 5000 lm
Lifespan 50 h
Base PY24-1.25
Light center length 36 mm(nom)
Bulb diameter 12.5 mm (max)
Total length 59 mm(max)
Halogen lamps with an alignment cap are particularly valued in the construction of scientific equipment. They are constructed in such a way that the lamps are only connected to the PY cap once they have been precisely aligned in control gauges. This guarantees the stable positioning of the filament within the device and thus ensures the optimal illumination of a pre-defined area.
• High level of precision with regard to the positioning of the filament
• Wide range of filament shapes
• Colour temperatures up to 3300 K
• Quartz glass without UV-reducing properties
• Microscopy, analysis, projection and planetariums